Agile Project Dashboard

Kick-off meeting 23.02.2017

The silo problem

The document hell

Common problems in projects

  • Silos

  • Different sources of information

  • Redundant and controversial information

  • Lack of the big picture

  • Problems are detected late in the process

  • Documentation out of date


Collaboration of team members in a agile way

  • Breaking the silos

  • Improve collaboration

  • Make BA/RE, Dev and Tester work better together

  • One model over the hole product life-cycle

  • Easier to maintain

  • Solve User Story vs Feature view

Documentation that fits the implementation

  • Provide example how to create a living documentation of a software project

  • Provide example of a complete CI tool chain setup

  • Provide suggestions where which kind of documents are stored

  • Create a dashboard where all the different artifacts from a project are linked together

  • Quicker on-boarding for new team members

Specify requirements with examples

  • Provide example for quick start using specification by example

  • Provide some good examples of specifications to show the benefits of it

  • Less misunderstandings


  • Detect problems and challenges earlier

  • Always have a big picture

  • See up-to-date requirements and stories only

  • An overview of the current implementation and test status of each story

  • One central place where all documents are linked

  • Versioned

Detect problems and challenges earlier

  • Spec-by-ex offers a new effective approach to implement projects fast & successfully

  • Provide example of a workflow how BA/RE, Dev and Tester can work together

  • Provide some good practices how to run a specification workshop (3 Amigos)

Example Project: Heat Clinic

Heat Clinic Activities

  • User Story Map

  • Personas

  • Specification with BDD examples

  • Automated acceptance tests

  • UI documentation with Scenarioo

  • Proof of concept: Generate Markdown

Markdown POC: Generate from directory

Features directory

Markdown POC: Overview

Markdown file

Markdown POC: Features

Markdown file

Markdown POC: Feature Details

Markdown file

Documentation Viewer

Documentation Viewer: a first UI mock

  • Central entry point to browse all project related documentation

  • Several views for different needs

    • high-order overview

    • user stories

    • test results

    • ui documentation

  • Powerful search over all sources

Documentation Viewer: "Story Map" View

Documentation Viewer: User Story View

Documentation Viewer: Feature View

Documentation Viewer: Web Test Screenshots / UI Documentation

GUI Sketch: Personas

Living documentation sources I

  • Scrumboard (physical, JIRA, TFS..)

  • Story map (physical, SpecLog, ...)

  • Business processes (EA, Visio, Wiki, ..)

  • Ticket system (JIRA, TFS)

  • Wiki (Confluence, Github, Sharepoint)

  • Code

  • Repository (Github, Bitbucked, TFS)

Living documentation sources II

  • Build server (TeamCity, Jenkins, Bamboo, TFS)

  • Deployment server (Octopus deploy)

  • Test Cases (HP ALM, ...)

  • End-to-end results (Scenarioo)

  • Performance, Loadtests (Dynatrace, JMeter, Soapui)

  • Operation (Tivoli, Splunk, Logfiles, Systemlogs ...)