Demo Server Setup
This folder contains documentation about how our Demo server is setup and configured.
The Demo Server is hosted by OVH ( and the required software is installed directly using Ansible and Vagrant.
Setting up the Demo Server Host
So You Start offers dedicated servers for a monthly or yearly fee. The server can be created using a web interface. The configuration is described in OVH Server Setup.
How is the Demo Server deployed and updated?
Every time a pull request is merged or a commit is pushed to the master branch of scenarioo-infrastructure a Circle CI, job is started, which triggers a deployment to the demo server.
Ansible checks for every configured step if it has changed in the configuration, and if it has changed, the step is executed. E.g. if only a deployed branch was changed, then the software components installation steps are not executed.
A full deployment with installation of all components takes about 15 minutes on Circle CI, a deployment where only branches have changed takes about 5 minutes.
What is installed on the Demo Server?
All the tools and packages that will be installed can be found in the respective Ansible playbooks in the scenarioo-infrastructure repo:
- Docker (with various dependent packages) & ElasticSearch see scenarioo-infrastructure\roles\docker\tasks\main.yml
- Tomcat scenarioo-infrastructure\roles\tomcat\tasks\main.yml
- Nginx as a proxy scenarioo-infrastructure\roles\nginx\tasks\main.yml
How do I get access to the Demo Server?
To access the Demo Server you need to have an SSH-Key Pair and your user and public key needs to be registered in Scenarioo-Infrastructure.
Creating the SSH key
Use PuttyGen (or another tool) to create an SSH key.
Copy the value from the box "Public key for pasting into Open SSH authorized_keys file:" into a file with this name: username.pem
Save the private key as *.ppk file as well (in PuttyGen: Button "Save private key"), so that you can use it to log in to the server with Putty.
Adding your user to Scenarioo-Infrastructure
- Add your username to
in scenarioo-infrastructure\roles\manageUsers\vars\main.yml - Add the file
to scenarioo-infrastructure\roles\manageUsers\keys - Create a Pull Request with your changes in scenarioo-infrastructure.
Configuring PuTTY to connect to the Demo Server with your credentials
- Set the correct Host Name, which you can see in the variable
in scenarioo-infrastructure\hosts\hosts_demoserver_ovh. - Set the correct Auto-login username under Connection > Data
- Select the saved private key under Connection > SSH > Auth > Private key file for authentication
Important commands on the Demo Server
Here is a small collection of the most useful commands you might need when logged in to the demo server.
Accessing the Scenarioo Server Logfile
less /var/lib/tomcat8/logs/catalina.out
tail -f /var/lib/tomcat8/logs/catalina.out
Restarting the Tomcat Server running all Demos
sudo systemctl restart tomcat8
Checking if Elasticsearch is running
sudo docker ps -a
Verify the status of
If it isn't running either run/restart a deploy job on Circle-CI scenarioo-infrastructure/master/deploy or try
sudo docker start -ai <processId>
Accessing the Elasticsearch Logfile
sudo docker logs -t elasticsearch-5 -f