Write Scenarioo Documentation from Tests

Scenarioo Docu Format & Concepts

Before you start using a Scenarioo Writer Library, it is a good idea to look at the Core Concepts of Scenarioo first to understand the basics of the documentation that you want to generate by using such a writer library.

Writing Scenarioo Documentation

If you are using one of the following languages / frameworks, then you are lucky. You can just start writing documentation for Scenarioo using one of the libraries listed here.

JavaScript / TypeScript

Are you writing your tests in TypeScript or JavaScript? Are you using protractor or WebriverJS for your UI tests? This is a very good choice and probably the quickest and easiest way to use Screnarioo.

Just have a look at the Quickstart with Scenarioo-JS.

For further information see Documentation of ScenariooJS


Checkout our Quickstart with Java Tutorial that explains how to use it in Java with JUnit and Selenium.

You are using a different test framework or UI testing toolkit in Java? No problem, Scenarioo could be integrated with other testing frameworks and UI test toolkits as well, in the same way as demonstrated in this tutorial. The Scenarioo Writer library for Java has no dependencies on any testing toolkit.

For more information on Scenarioo Writer for Java see Documentation of Scenarioo Writer for Java


There is also a Writer library for C# similar to the writer library for Java.

For more information see Documentation for Scenarioo Writer for C#

We also recommend to read the Quickstart Tutorial with Java & Selenium for C#, since usage of the C# library is almost the same as in Java.

You are using a different test framework or UI testing toolkit in C#? No problem, Scenarioo could be integrated with other testing frameworks and UI test toolkits as well, in the same way as demonstarted in the tutorial for JUnit and Selenium. The Scenarioo C# Writer library has no dependencies on any testing toolkit.

Other Languages

If you use any other language, there's probably no Scenarioo Writer library out there yet and you have to start creating a new one, which is not too difficult. Please read the Scenarioo-Writer-Documentation-Format for this purpose and let us know if you create a library for other technologies, so we can list it here.

Examples for Different Technologies

See Scenarioo Examples for how to use this libraries and integrate them into your ui tests to produce documentation output from your UI tests.

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