Scenarioo Full Text Search - Specification by Example
This test cases specify how the full text search is supposed to behave in different situations.
Configuration of the search feature
TC1: By default the full text search feature is switched off
- The default config file that comes with Scenarioo does not contain the elasticSearchEndpoint config tag.
- If the elasticSearchEndpoint config tag is not present the full text search feature is switched off and the Manage -> General Settings -> Full Text Search section shows how the Elasticsearch endpoint can be configured in the config.xml file.
- Because the search feature is switched off, the search box is not shown in the Scenarioo header.
TC2: Elasticsearch enabled but endpoint not available
Set the elasticSearchEndpoint tag in config.xml to an endpoint that has a valid format but where no Elasticsearch instance is running (e.g. localhost:9000).
- Search box is not shown in Header
- Settings page shows the configured Elasticsearch endpoint
- Settings page shows that Elasticsearch is not reachable
TC3: Elasticsearch enabled and endpoint available
Set the elasticSearchEndpoint tag in config.xml to the endpoint where Elasticsearch is actually available (e.g. localhost:9300).
- Search box is shown in the header
- Settings page shows the configured Elasticsearch endpoint
- Settings page shows that Elasticsearch is reachable
- Search for "Donate" shows a result, result can be opened
TC4: Search can be triggered by pressing enter in the search box
TC5: No results found
Enter a search term that should not yield any results (e.g. aaaaaaaa)
- Message is shown, that no results were found
- There's a link for the user to go back to the Use Case overview ("home" in the breadcrumbs)
TC6: Search for various things -> SOME FAILING
Perform these searches in the self-docu:
- Use Case title ("breadcrumbs" in double quotes should show the UC "Use breadcrumbs" and some others) -> OK
- Use Case title ("breadcrumbs" without double quotes should show the UC "Use breadcrumbs" and some others) -> OK
- Use Case description ("reference" in double quotes should show the UC "Browse object details") -> OK
- Scenario title:
"unique" (without double quotes)
- should show UC "Manage branch aliases" and scenario "Unique aliases" -> OK
- should show Create%20sketch/New%20issue%20success/scenarioo-fork-full-text-search_/0/1 -> FAILS, not shown "unique" (with double quotes)
- should show UC "Manage branch aliases" and scenario "Unique aliases" -> OK
- should show Create%20sketch/New%20issue%20success/scenarioo-fork-full-text-search_/0/1 -> OK
- Scenario description ("access" should show UC "Application Startup" with scenario "First visit") -> OK
- Page name ("scenarioo-fork-full-text-search_" in quotes should show all pages) -> FAILS, only three use cases shown
- Step name ("A different page variant" in quotes should show the "Browse page variants" step that contains this as a title) -> OK
- Class in HTML source ("label-success" in quotes should show all) -> FAILS, shows only a few pages, e.g. the "Manage branch aliases" is missing.
- Search for simple word in HTML source ("StartInitAction" should show a few pages) -> OK
- Search for something that is part of all HTML sources ("html" should show all UCs, scenarios and steps as result) -> FAILS, only three UCs are shown
Perform these searches in the Wikipedia Example, 2014-03-19:
- Use Case label ("normal-case" in quotes should find one use case) -> OK
- Scenario metadata ("a_cat_by_the_tail" without quotes should show all scenarios) -> OK
- Scenario metadata ("a_cat_by_the_tail" with quotes should also show the relevant scenarios) -> FAILS, shows irrelevant pages
- Step metadata ("no user rights" in quotes should show almost all steps) -> FAILS, some steps are missing that should show up (e.g. the "Switch Language" UC)
- Step label ("step-label-0" in quotes should show 8 steps) -> OK
TC7: Breadcrumbs are shown
- Breadcrumbs show "Home" -> "Search Results for
" - Share this page works as usual
TC8: Search box looks good and does not mess up navigation bar
- The right end of the search box is aligned with the right end of the breadcrumbs
- The bottom end of the search box is aligned with the navigation bar labels (e.g. Manage and Info)
TC9: The search term is not part of the query string but instead of the path
- The path contains
TC10: Pressing enter in an empty search field does not trigger any actions
Edge cases and error messages
TC11: Server does not have an index for a branch
- List all indexes in the browser: http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v
- Delete the index of a branch: curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/scenarioo-wikipedia-docu-example-2014-03-19?pretty'
- Then search for something.
- The error message shows "The search index was not found for the selected build."
TC12: Search terms with special characters
- / should not execute search
- " or "something should show an error message in the UI (this results in an elasticsearch parse error)
should execute search but not find any results
TC13: Index is deleted and recreated on reimport
- Import build
- Change something in the build data (e.g. add a new keyword that did not have results before or delete an entire Use Case folder)
- Reimport build and check whether the changes show up when searching
TC14: Search engine temporarily not reachable
- Search field is shown, then turn off the Elasticsearch service.
- Enter something into the search field and press enter.
- The error message shows "The search engine is not running or not reachable for Scenarioo."