Branching Strategy

Git Flow

For the development we use the GitFlow branching model as advertised by Nvie.

Please read and follow the procedure carefully and remember the following picture by heart:

We follow the proposed naming convention for the names of branches.

  • master every commit on this branch is a release (production ready code)
  • develop actual development version (main development branch, integration branch)
  • release/[release-version] planned new release
  • feature/[feature-name] new feature (use 'xxx-some-text', where xxx is the issue number!)
  • hotfix/[hotfix-name] hotfix

Common Use Cases

Create a Feature Branch

Make sure your current branch is develop.

git checkout -b feature/<github-issue-number>-branch-name

Example: git checkout -b feature/668-update-moment

Publish your Feature Branch

Make sure your current branch is the feature branch.

git push -u origin <branch>

Update Feature Branch with Changes from Develop

Make sure your current branch is the feature branch.

git merge origin/develop

Merge Feature Branch to Develop using Pull Request

Don't merge into develop on your machine. Instead always use GitHub Pull Requests.

Git Flow Tooling

You can install the git flow tooling that supports you in using the model. We made the experience though that this is not required and working with plain git commands is totally sufficient. If you still want to install git flow, see and for a quick overview.

When using 'git flow init' please accept all default branch names.

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