Developer Guide

This page describes how to build, test, run the Scenarioo Viewer Webapp locally for developers on their developer machine.

Documentation for Developers

The published documentation under should reflect the most recent changes of Scenarioo development. This is the state of our documentation on the develop branch.

Alternatively, you can find the newest sources of our documentation here:

If during setup you find some information that is outdated in the documentation please help to improve it and contribute the changes as a Pull Request. You can click the "Edit this page" link on top of these pages to navigate directly to the edit window of said page.

Thanks a lot!


You need a correctly setup development environment for working on Scenarioo as described here: Development Environment Setup

Build, Test and Run the Scenarioo Viewer Web App

  1. Build the viewer application by executing the "Scenarioo - Full Clean Build" run configuration

    • or on command-line run: ./gradlew clean build bootWar
    • On Windows: If you get some Python errors during "npmInstall" task, you can probably ignore this optional npm dependency problems and just try to run it once again (or use something like npm install -g npm-build-tools to fix it)
  2. Execute the "Scenarioo - Fruehlingsstiefel" run configuration

    • or on command-line run:

      # Set the path to the example data in your environment variables (system-dependent)
      export SCENARIOO_DATA=<your-project-source-path>/scenarioo-docu-generation-example/build/scenarioDocuExample 
      ./gradlew bootRun
    • This starts the viewer application backend as a standalone Spring Boot app

    • You should see in the log output that it is importing the example documentation data properly.
  3. Finally, start serving the frontend:

    Using npm directly:

    cd scenarioo-client
    npm install
    npm start

    Or using gradle tasks:

    ./gradlew npmInstall
    ./gradlew npm_start

    Some remarks about this:

    • npm install: Installs node.js modules (mainly needed tools) as configured in package.json. They are placed in the folder node_modules.
    • npm start: spawns a webpack development server locally
    • The gradle tasks are using the gradle-node-plugin to execute the same npm tasks described above. Using the gradle-node-plugin makes sure that always the correct node and npm versions are used to build. Also you don't need to have Node.js installed separately.
      • All npm tasks defined inpackage.json can be invoked by running ./gradlew npm_run_<TASK>
  4. Now you can access the viewer application by browsing to http://localhost:8500/scenarioo/

    • :warning: The / at the end of the URL is mandatory!
    • If you change files in the client code, the browser will refresh automatically
  5. Before you start to develop, you should check that all unit tests and E2E tests are successful, before you start to break them ;-) Make sure to run these tests regularly when you develop and to keep them successful.

Run all unit tests

On the command-line run:

   ./gradlew clean test

Or in IntelliJ

  • run all java unit tests inside scenarioo/scenarioo-server
  • run all java-script karma unit tests inside scenarioo/scenarioo-client with npm test or ./gradlew npm_test

E2E Testing with Protractor

Protractor is the UI testing tool for testing AngularJS apps. It uses Selenium to control the browser.

To write your own E2E tests, check our example E2E scenarios in scenarioo-client\test\e2e\specs.

For more information on Protractor see Protractor API Docs.


Scenarioo Viewer is up and running and test data is generated. The simplest way to do this is follow the instructions in Build, Test and Run the Scenarioo Viewer Web App.

Run E2E Tests

Change into the client directory:

   cd scenarioo-client

There are two tasks which can be used to run the E2E tests. The tasks differ in how they execute the tests. You can

  • run the tests in the background and also generate Scenarioo documentation (uses config file protractor-e2e-scenarioo.conf.js):

     npm run e2e-scenarioo
  • or run the tests in the foreground without generating Scenarioo documentation (uses config file protractor-e2e.conf.js). This will open a new browser window, run all tests and log test-information to the console.:

     npm run e2e

Both tasks can also be executed using gradle in the scenarioo root directory:

./gradlew npm_run_e2e-scenarioo
./gradlew npm_run_e2e

Note: ChromeDriver will automatically be installed / updated when you run the E2E tests using the gradle or npm commands above.

Reset the Test Data

To run all tests a second time the test data needs to be reset. To do this execute the "Scenarioo - Generate Testdata" run configuration

Debug E2E Tests (client side)

Now that we are using async / await in the tests you can just set breakpoints in the IDE.

For this to work you need to install the JetBrains IDE Support Chrome Plugin

Debug E2E Tests (server side)

To debug the server code during the execution of E2E-Tests, simply set a breakpoint in the IDE and execute the "Scenarioo- Fruehlingsstiefel" run configuration in Debug mode.

Run a single E2E Test

If you want to run only one or a few E2E Tests, you need to replace '.it' with '.fit' in the test case. Example:

scenario('First visit')
            .description('About dialog open on first access to Scenarioo to welcome new user.')
            .fit(async () => {
                //Test steps

Caution! Do not commit this change!

Run Fulltext search E2E Tests

If you run the E2E Tests without ElasticSearch, it will result in three failing tests.

To see those tests passing as well, you need to start ElasticSearch.

The easiest way to achieve this is to use the "Scenarioo - Hafenarbeiter Gummiband Suche" run configuration. Execute this configuration and wait for ElasticSearch to start. Then restart the "Scenarioo - Fruehlingsstiefel" run configuration.

To ensure that ElasticSearch works, navigate to General Settings and verify that "ElasticSearch Status" is "Running and reachable".

If it is the first time you started this ElasticSearch image, the search index might not be present yet. To verify this search for 'donate.jsp'. If no results appear, reimport all builds. Or generate the testdata before starting "Scenarioo - Fruehlingsstiefel".

Manually update ChromeDriver

If there's a problem with ChromeDriver, try the following commands.

On Linux:

./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update --chrome

On Windows:

node node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager update

Or you can run the following gradle task on Linux/Windows:

./gradlew npm_run_webdriver-manager_update

Working with the Scenarioo Viewer Web App

Hot code replacement in the backend

When changing server functionality it is possible to get the changes into the server without doing a full rebuild and restart.

To achieve this do the following:

  1. Run the "Scenarioo - Fruehlingsstiefel" run configuration in debug mode.
  2. Change code on the server
  3. Press Ctrl+F9
  4. Wait for a bit
  5. A dialog appears: "Reload changed classes for Scenarioo - Fruehlingsstiefel"
  6. Press OK
  7. Reload the web page.

Hot code replacement in the frontend

This is done automatically when the frontend is deployed with npm start or ./gradlew npm_start. After a change is saved the web page is automatically reloaded.

Docker Run Configurations

To ease development some Docker run configurations are part of the Scenarioo repository:

  • Scenarioo - Hafenarbeiter: This is the Docker image that we publish as part of the Scenarioo release. It builds and runs Scenarioo as standalone Spring Boot application.
  • Scenarioo - Hafenarbeiter Kater: This Docker image builds Scenarioo and runs it inside a Tomcat server.
  • Scenarioo - Hafenarbeiter Gummiband Suche: This Docker image starts ElasticSearch and exposes it on the default port, so that a running instance of Scenarioo can connect to it.
  • Scenarioo - Hafenarbeiter komponiert Dev Cluster: This run configuration uses Docker compose to start two Docker images, one with ElasticSearch and one with Tomcat.

Debugging Scenarioo Viewer running inside Docker

If you use the Scenarioo - Hafenarbeiter komponiert Dev Cluster run configuration and want to debug Scenarioo, you have to do the following:

  1. In the file docker-compose.yml set "JPDA_SUSPEND" to "Y". Important: Do not commit this change.
  2. Start the run configuration. Tomcat will wait with starting and deploying Scenarioo until a debugging session has been connected. You should see this in the log: "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 1043".
  3. Select the Scenarioo - Debug Docker run configuration and debug it.
  4. In the Docker log you should see Tomcat and Scenarioo booting up. Execution will stop at breakpoints and you can debug as usual.

Releasing the Scenarioo Viewer Web App

This is documented here.

Working with scenarioo-java

Scenarioo-Server, Scenarioo-Validator and Scenarioo-Docu-Generation-Example all depend on the scenarioo-java writer library. If Scenarioo uses a snapshot version of this library (check scenariooApiVersion property at top of our build file build.gradle to see whether it uses a SNAPSHOT-version), then you need to build it locally for Scenarioo to work. If you want to make changes to scenarioo-java, then you can import it into IntelliJ.

Building a SNAPSHOT version of scenarioo-java

  1. You need to clone the sources (if not yet):

     git clone scenarioo-java
  2. Update and build the writer library and install the newest SNAPSHOT in the local maven repo:

      cd scenarioo-java
      git pull
      ./gradlew clean build test install
  3. Add mavenLocal() to the repositories block in build-java.gradle.
  4. Now you can continue working with Scenarioo.

Add scenarioo-java to IntelliJ

To fix issues in scenarioo-java you can import it into IntelliJ by using "File/New/Module From Existing Sources".

Running all tests in scenarioo-java

cd scenarioo-java
./gradlew clean test

Switching to a SNAPSHOT version

  1. Increase the version number in scenarioo-java/build.gradle and append -SNAPSHOT to the version property.
  2. Build the SNAPSHOT version locally see Building a SNAPSHOT version of scenarioo-java
  3. Commit the changes in scenarioo-java.
  4. Update the scenariooApiVersion property at top of our build file build.gradle to the new SNAPSHOT version.
  5. Add mavenLocal() to the repositories block in build-java.gradle.
  6. Run all tests (including E2E tests)
  7. Commit the changes in scenarioo in a branch and create a pull request.

Releasing scenario-java

This is documented here in the scenarioo-java project.

Working with scenarioo-js

Scenarioo-Client depends on scenarioo-js. The version used is defined in package.json. It is possible to use a scenarioo-js version from a specific branch, to check that the changes will still be compatible with scenarioo:

"scenarioo-js": "github:scenarioo/scenarioo-js#feature/scenarioo-676-remove-control-flow",

Add scenarioo-js to IntelliJ

To fix issues in scenarioo-js you can import it into IntelliJ.

  1. You need to clone the sources (if not yet):

    git clone scenarioo-js
  2. Import it into IntelliJ by using "File/New/Module From Existing Sources".

Building scenarioo-js

cd scenarioo-js
npm install
npm run build

Running all tests in scenarioo-js

cd scenarioo-js
npm run test

Running all e2e tests in scenarioo-js

Scenarioo-js contains example e2e tests. To ensure that changes in scenarioo-js did not cause unexpected side effects, these e2e tests should also be run.

This is documented here in the scenarioo-js project.

Releasing scenario-js

This is documented here in the scenarioo-js project.

Installing Tomcat

With Spring Boot it is no longer necessary to install Tomcat separately. However, before a release it might be sensible to check that Scenarioo also works when it is deployed into an external Tomcat.

  • Download and install the latest version of Tomcat 8.5.x.
  • Edit the "Scenarioo - Kater" run configuration so that it points to this Tomcat Application Server.

Deploying Scenarioo into a standalone Tomcat in IntelliJ

  • Execute the "Scenarioo - Kater" run configuration

Build WAR File for external Server Deployement

The following command creates an executable war file which contains a tomcat server as well as the server and the client code.

./gradlew bootWar

Client package update strategy (package.json)

Packages should b specified statically. Example: "gulp-ng-annotate": "2.0.2".

Npm packages may be checked by using the command npm outdated or ./gradlew npm_outdated. You can update outdated packages by using npm update or ./gradlew npm_update - but if you do so, you have to ensure that everything still works (e2e tests) and inform developers in case a new npm version is needed!

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