Circle CI


  • We are on an open-source plan of Circle CI with up to 4 instances in parallel
  • All the config takes place in ./circleci/config.yml
  • Copy everything you want to keep into ./test-results. These files will be persisted as artifacts
  • There you can also find the logging output of the scenarioo server: ./test-results/scenarioo-server.log

Environment vars - Context

In Circle CI environment vars are grouped in contexts. We store all variables in the context Scenarioo. It can be modified here:

The following variables are needed:

  • TOMCAT_USER_PASSWORD: Used to secure the publish scenarioo docu endpoint. Defaults to: 'scenarioo' and user is always 'scenarioo'.
  • CIRCLE_TOKEN: Used to download WAR and scenarioo docu artifacts from CircleCI
  • DOCU_GIT_USERPASS: user:password Used to publish our docu with gitbook.

SSH Keys

We need a commit key pair and a deploy key pair for our infrastructure to work.

Commit key pair

To commit to the scenarioo-infrastructure repository we need to configure an SSH key.

Deploy key pair

To deploy the server using ansible we need an authorized key pair of the host we want to deploy to.


  • Biggest problem during setup were memory issues
  • If processes die for no reason always suspect not enough memory. Log the exit code after running the commend: your command || echo "Exit code: $?"
  • If the exit code is 137 you are running out of memory
    • Run gradle with --no-daemon it eats more memory than Jabba the Hutt
    • You can SSH into your build and debug memory directly:
      • ps -eo size,pid,user,command --sort -size | more
      • ps -eo size,pid,user,command --sort -size | awk '{ hr=$1/1024 ; printf("%13.2f Mb ",hr) } { for ( x=4 ; x<=NF ; x++ ) { printf("%s ",$x) } print "" }' |cut -d "" -f2 | cut -d "-" -f1
      • top
      • Limit memory of gradle, elastic search and wherever else you can

Update Chrome Version

The currently used chrome version for testing may be updated in the circleci configuration. Search for the currently used version and replace all occurrences.

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