Scenarioo CI/CD Build and Demo Server

Jenkins or (both forward to


Latest release: (or use shortcut

Development for future release:

Add a new branch to be built and deployed

  • Click "New Item" in the Jenkins menu
  • Set the name of the new build job to "scenarioo-{my-branch-name}"
  • Select "Copy existing Item" and enter "scenarioo-develop" or "scenarioo-master" (depending on from where you branched) as the base item.
  • Click "Ok"
  • Set the correct branch next to "Branches to build"
  • In the post-build task where the "deploy-demo-and-run-e2e-tests" task is called, set "BRANCH={my-branch-name}".

It's important that you use exactly the same {my-branch-name} values for both occurrences. It does not have to be the exact git branch name, but it should identify the branch. Only use alphanumeric characters and the dash in {my-branch-name}. Otherwise you may run into problems.

We use nginx as a reverse proxy. Therefore you also have to add a configuration for the new Scenarioo instance URL in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default. Otherwise the demo is not reachable.

Maintenance of the build server

The server is maintained by adiherzog and forkch. Contact them if you need a Jenkins account.

Setup of build server

There are a number of aliases defined in the .bash_aliases file of the ubuntu user. They all start with sc- and lead to the Tomcat, Jenkins and the Scenarioo data directories.

Demo Server

Demo is available at{your-branch-name-here}

Restart tomcat manually

  1. SSH to the demo server:

    ssh -i .ssh/Scenarioo-Keypair.pem ubuntu@
    (you need the key for that! ask one of the Leads if you need it)

  2. Stop and start tomcat:

    sudo service tomcat7 stop
    sudo service tomcat7 start

Automatic Restart of Tomcat

Jenkins build 'smoketest' checks every 5 minutes if the demo (on master and develop) is currently available. (ATTENTION! this job is currently disabled and we should reactivate it and introduce an email on failure to lead devs)

Two cronjobs are defined:

  1. 6 o clock in the morning: restart tomcat

  2. every 15 minutes: restart tomcat if special jenkins job 'smoketest' failed (REMARK: might be not optimal, because the smoketest might fail because of parallel running deployment?)

Too see all defined cronjobs:

> sudo crontab -l

0 6 * * * service tomcat7 restart

*/15 * * * * /root/restart_tomcat_if_smoketest_failed

Setup of e2e tests on build server

End to End Tests Scenarioo Protractor

results matching ""

    No results matching ""