Details - Additional Documentation Information

Details are a generic data structure used for storing additional (application specific) information inside the Scenarioo documentation.

This details are simple maps of key-value-pairs. Each entry in such a details map has a key and a value.

The key is always a simple string (the name of the information).

The value of such an entry can be of different kinds:

  • string: a simple textual information
  • ObjectDescription (complex type): describes an object with an identity given by a type (string to group all objects of same kind) and a unique name to identify this object of this type (the name should be unique for all objects of this same type, such that all occurrences of the same object can be identified correctly). Every value of type ObjectDescription will be stored in the Scenarioo object repository, which means, that you can easily browse for all occurrences of this same object with same type and name. Such an object typically can have again details with additional information about the object (this details can again recursively contain ObjectDescritpion or any other value types, as listed here).
  • ObjectReference (complex type): possibility to only store a reference to an object (only by type and name, without details), to reference the full object that is already stored in some other place inside the documentation (with all its details as a full ObjectDescription).
  • ObjectList: possibility to store a list of values (e.g. as a bullet list). The contained values could be simply strings, or again of ObjectDescription or any other supported value type, as listed here.
  • ObjectTreeNode: possibility to store tree structures. Each tree node has an item which is the payload of the node, that can be a simple string information or again an ObjectDescription or any other supported value type, as listed here. Furthermore each tree node can again have details for specific additional information about an item (e.g. the item could be an ObjectDescription or ObjectReference and the details of the tree node contain additional information that is only valid for this specific occurrence of this object inside this tree but not belongs to the object itself). The children are again ObjectTreeNodes (which are the sub trees of the tree).

See also some data structure examples below.

Scenarioo Object Repository: the power of ObjectDescriptions

The Scenarioo Object Repository will index all your objects of type ObjectDescription inside your documentation (in any places).

You can easily add additional so called "custom object tabs" to the start page of your scenarioo documentation in the Scenarioo Viewer web app. Such a "custom object tab" let's you browse all objects of one or serveral object types. Through this you can enable all Scenarioo Viewer users to easily find all occurrences of a specific object in your scenarioo documentation.

See Configuration of Custom Object Tabs for how to configure such additional tabs for making your objects searchable.

Details Data Structure Examples

Example 1 - Simple String Entries

For adding some simple information, you could simply provide entries with string data as values:

        <value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">value1</value>
        <value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">value2</value>

Example 2 - ObjectList with ObjectDescriptions

You could e.g. add a list of all service calls (as object descriptions) that occur on a step:

        <key>Service Calls</key>
        <value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="objectList">
            <items xsi:type="objectDescription">
                        <value xsi:type="xs:string">http://localhost:8080/rest/storeUserSettings</value>
                        <value xsi:type="xs:string">username, settings</value>
            <items xsi:type="objectDescription">
                        <value xsi:type="xs:string">http://localhost:8080/rest/notifications</value>
                        <value xsi:type="xs:string">userName</value>

Thanks to the object repository you can then configure an additonal "custom object tab" to appear on the start page of the Scenarioo Viewer web app to make all objects of type "serviceCall" searchable in an additional tab on the Scenarioo Viewer start page.

See Configuration of Custom Object Tabs for how to configure such custom object tabs to browse your details objects in Scenarioo.

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