Scenarioo Validator
The Scenarioo Validator is a command line tool that validates produced scenarioo documentation folders and files.
It is helpful when developing writer libraries (scenarioo-cs, scenarioo-js) in order to assure that the produced output can be successfully imported by the scenarioo application.
After you checked out the scenarioo source-code, you can run the following command in order to build the validator tool:
$ ./gradlew clean build installApp
This will produce the folder scenarioo/scenarioo-validator/build/install/scenarioo-validator containing all needed libraries as well as start scripts for UNIX and windows.
On UNIX systems run
$ ./scenarioo-validator/build/install/scenarioo-validator/bin/scenarioo-validator <PATH_TO_YOUR_DOCU_DIRECTORY>
On Windows run the .bat file
$ ./scenarioo-validator/build/install/scenarioo-validator/bin/scenarioo-validator.bat <PATH_TO_YOUR_DOCU_DIRECTORY>
NOTE: a prebuilt version of the tool can be found here (built during CI on develop branch)
scenarioo-validator [-c] <pathToDirectory>
-c,--clean-derived If set, derived files will be deleted before
Implementation Details
The tool uses already existing functionality from scenarioo-server. It validates the given directory by importing it with and
See org.scenarioo.validator.ScenariooValidator for a starting point.