Publish Scenarioo Documentation Data

Documentation can be published in two ways.

A) Copy into documentation directory

  1. Generate or copy the data into the directory that is configured in testDocumentationDirPath in the config.xml file of your Scenarioo installation. In case you are generating your documentations directly into this directory you should write the build.xml as a last file, to ensure that a build does not get imported before it has completely been written.

  2. To import newly added builds call the http GET REST endpoint <your-scenarioo-url>/rest/builds/updateAndImport to update the currently available builds and importing unimported (newly added) build(s).

Up to Version 2.0.1 of Scenarioo, this is the only possible way to publish data.

B) HTTP POST request

Since version 2.1.0 of the scenarioo viewewr web application we also allow adding new documentation data using a HTTP POST request to a REST endpoint. This is only possible as an authenticated user that has the role scenarioo-build-publisher.

We strongly recommend to use HTTPS for this in order to safely transmit the authentication information.

Configure a user

Add a user to tomcat-users.xml. Assign it the role scenarioo-build-publisher and choose a strong password. Here's an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <role rolename="scenarioo-build-publisher"/>
    <user username="john" password="defineYourOwnPasswordHere" roles="scenarioo-build-publisher"/>


Use e.g. curl to add a documentation build to Scenarioo. Here's an example:

curl --user john:defineYourOwnPasswordHere -F"" http://localhost:8080/scenarioo/rest/builds

Please make sure you obey the following rules:

  • The ZIP file must contain exactly one branch directory with a branch.xml file. The branch.xml file is only used if the branch did not exist yet in the documentation directory.
  • The branch directory must contain exactly one build directory.
  • The POST-Request must have the Content-Type multipart/form-data. If you use the above curl command, this works out of the box.
  • The Multipart content must contain exactly one part that is of type application/octet-stream. This is the ZIP file. If you use the above curl command, this works out of the box.

There's no need to increase the POST request file size limit in Tomcat (parameter maxPostSize), as this limit does not apply to the content-type multipart/form-data that we use (see here:

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