Developer Guide

This page describes how to build, test, run the Scenarioo Viewer Webapp locally for developers on their developer machine.


You need a correctly setup Development environment for working on sceanrioo as described here: Development Environment

Build, Test and Run the Scenarioo Viewer Web App

This process describes how you clean update all your sources and build everything needed to properly run the demo locally and to run tests:

  1. you need to have cloned all sources (if not yet):

     git clone scenarioo
     git clone scenarioo-java
  2. Update and build the writer library and install the newest SNAPSHOT in local maven repo (only needed for develop and feature branches to use the newest development SNAPSHOT)

      cd scenarioo-java
      git pull
      ./gradlew clean build test install
  3. build the server

     cd ~/scenarioo
     git pull
     ./gradlew clean build test war
  4. Refresh and build in your IDE

    • Eclipse
      • choose "refresh" on all projects
      • choose "Gradle > Refresh all" on 'scenarioo' project, and if needed on all other projects
      • if needed, choose "Gradle > Refresh dependencies" (e.g. if some dependency is not found or automatic dependency management in turned off) on all server and example-data-generator projects.
    • IntelliJ
      • TODO: what is required?
  5. Generate the dummy test data:

    • Eclipse: choose to run the AllTests JUnit test suite (Exlipse run configuration scenarioo-docu-generation-example-all-webtest) in project 'scenarioo-docu-generation-example`: this builds all dummy data of the 'wikipedia-docu-example' that you need for testing the Scenarioo web app (and running e2e tests later).
  6. Start up the scenarioo-server in Tomcat (usually done in your IDE).

  7. Build, serve and browse the client of the web app:

     cd ~/scenarioo/scenarioo-client
     npm install
     npm start

    Then open the browser to browse the application under http://localhost:9000 If you change files in the client the browser will refresh automatically

    Some remarks about this:

    • npm install: Installs node.js modules (mainly needed tools) as configured in package.json. They are placed in the folder node_modules. It also calls the relatively installed bower binary to install frontend dependencies.
  8. Configure webapp correctly (if not yet) and browse it:

    • Go to the configuration page (under Manage in the top right corner, then choose tab General Settings). You should see some preconfigured values, which means the client was able to reach the server.
    • Set the text field "Documentation Data Directory Path" to the path, were your dummy documentation data was generated (<scenarioo-root>\scenarioo-docu-generation-example\build\scenarioDocuExample) and save it. This will create or update your config.xml file in the folder that you specified in context.xml of the server.
    • In the Builds tab on the Manage page of Scenarioo you can click on the Import & Update Builds link in the top right corner. You should see then that Scenarioo is either currently importing the build (state = PROCESSING) or already done with it (state = SUCCESS).
    • Reload the page, as soon as the state of the builds are SUCCESS the Branch wikipedia-docu-example and it's builds should be selectable in the Scenarioo navigation bar. Select the build and navigate the example documentation. If you see a list of use cases, everything should be okay.
  9. Before you start to develop, you should check that all unit tests and E2E test are successful, before you start to break them ;-) Make sure to run these tests regularly when you develop and to keep them successful:

    • run all unit tests:
      • run all java unit tests inside scenarioo-java
      • run all java unit tests inside scenarioo/scenarioo-server
      • run all java-script unit tests inside scenarioo/scenarioo-client: npm test or use following command to run them everytime a file changes: npm run test-watch for running javascript tests from inside WebStorm see also Webstorm or use npm test which will call gulp under the hood
    • run all E2E tests (=web tests): see E2E Testing

Well done, now you're ready to code!

Now have fun improving and extending Scenarioo, we are awaiting for your first pull request soon ;-)

Build WAR File for Server Deployement

The following command creates a war file which contains the server and the client code.

./gradlew war

Client package update strategy (package.json)

Packages should by specified statically. Example: "gulp-ng-annotate": "2.0.x".

Only the bugfix version shall be dynamic. This will make our builds more stable. Specify the dynamic version by using the 'x' character.

Npm packages may be checked by using the command npm outdated. You can update outdated packages by using npm update.

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